Keeping Workers Safe on the Road

Occupational Safe Driver Program

Keeping workers safe on the road

According to the United States Department of Labor, Every 12 minutes someone dies in a motor vehicle crash, every 10 seconds an injury occurs and every 5 seconds a crash occurs. Many of these incidents occur during the workday or during the commute to and from work. Employers bear the cost for injuries that occur both on and off the job.

Whether you manage a fleet of vehicles, oversee a mobile sales force or simply employ commuters, by implementing a driver safety program in the workplace you can greatly reduce the risks faced by your employees and their families while protecting your company’s bottom line.

DDC4 NSC Driver Safety Training

US Department of Labor logo

Custom Solutions for your Fleet

Cobert Safety Professionals can create a customized solution, including advanced driver safety classes, to help keep your drivers collision free.

Occupational safe driver programs also help protect your brand name by keeping your fleet collision free.

NSC Professional Truck Driver

Occupational safe driver programs

Safe Driver programs also help protect your brand name by keeping your fleet collision-free.
Your drivers will appreciate the efforts that you make to keep them safe!