DDC 4, A Four-Hour Defensive Driving Course

Your first incident is too late to be thinking about driver safety

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 to enroll in DDC4

The latest edition of DDC 4 is the most interactive and effective way to train drivers, whether they drive as their primary job function or just during their commute. With DDC 4, you can:

Influence and challenge participants to change their behind-the-wheel behaviors and attitudes so they will choose to drive safely, responsibly and lawfully.

Provide participants with basic knowledge, skills and techniques to avoid collisions and decrease future violations.

DDC4 Triver Training Course Guide

Course Benefits

Businesses that adopt the DDC 4 program as their best driver safety practice show their commitment to safety for employees, their families and the public. This training can also help to improve an organization’s bottom line, lower workers’ compensation insurance costs, decrease fleet premiums, reduce liability exposure, and create a culture of safety.

Fleet Safety

Some of the companies that use the DDC 4 defensive driving course for fleet safety include: 3M, Pillsbury, Shell Oil, Dow Chemical Company, Air Guard, Pepsi, railroad companies, Detroit Edison, Dominion Power, Commonwealth Edison, Peoples Gas, and NICOR Gas Companies.